Finding mushrooms growing in your bathroom can be one of your life’s most unexpected yet dreadful experiences and needs immediate attention. These mushrooms indicate problems with your bathroom like ventilation, mold issues, or excessive moisture.
Read on to learn more about these mushrooms, their cause of growth, removal, and prevention strategies.
Growing Mushrooms in the Bathroom
Bathroom mushrooms are a type of fungi that grow in moist areas and mostly due to the humidity in bathrooms. They look bad and come with dire consequences for human health.
Are these Mushrooms Dangerous? Risks Associated
Pose Health Risks
These mushrooms are dangerous and have risks associated with them. It usually causes allergic problems or respiratory issues.
Presence of Mold
Growing bathroom mushrooms signifies the presence of black mold; both kinda go hand-in-hand.
Suggestive Moisture Issues
Their presence also tells you about your bathroom’s moisture problem, which can lead to bigger problems.
Mushrooms are toxic.
The eradication of bathroom mushrooms should be your top priority task if you spot them or you feel their presence through other indicators.
Why are they Growing? What are the Underlying Causes?
To be direct, mushrooms in the bathroom are a clear sign of excessive moisture build up in the space, causing high humidity, providing an ideal place.
Let’s discuss the most common reasons:
Poor Ventilation
If the bathroom is not well-ventilated, it gives the space for moisture to build up, leading to the growth of bathroom mushrooms.
Water Leakage
Water leakage from pipes, fixtures, or even leftover water after bathroom usage leads to damp conditions, promoting the growth of bathroom mushrooms.
High Humidity
Poor ventilation leads to humidity growing after showers, increasing the humidity level of the space and encouraging the growth of bathroom mushrooms.
Dim and Dark Space
Dim lighting or dark and warm spacing also contribute to the growth of bathroom mushrooms.
Signs to Look Out for Identification
Some common signs of the presence of mushrooms in your bathroom exist.
- You can see mushrooms sprouting around in your bathroom.
- Your bathroom has a musty odor when it is damp.
- Discolored patches on the walls of your bathroom indicate moisture.
- Peeled wall paint indicates moisture, which means fungi are growing under it.
- You facing allergic reactions, respiratory issues, or headaches in the bathroom also means the presence of bathroom mushrooms.
How to Get Rid of Them? Removal Strategies
So obviously there are long-term decisions to be taken in case of bathroom mushroom spotting, but immediate cure is equally important.
Here are certain immediate actions that can be taken to eradicate them, and also prevent further growth.
- Use of Disinfectant: You can spray disinfectant and scrub the place to kill the already grown mushrooms and prevent further growth.
- Manual Removing them: You can also remove them by hand; wear gloves and a face mask to avoid consequences.
- Apply Fungicide to the area: This is your last resort; use Fungicide for removal, but follow all the instructions carefully.
What to Do to Prevent Further Growth?
Now comes the big question of what to do when you see bathroom mushrooms sprouting from your bathroom and what to do to prevent it from happening in the future.
Improving the Ventilation, Decreasing the Humidity Level
The first and foremost step is to improve ventilation in your bathroom with an exhaust fan, window, etc. This would reduce humidity as it would not give your bathroom the space to build up moisture.
Fixing Water Leakage
If you find any water leakages, give it immediate attention. This would eliminate moisture or dampness, giving no space for the bathroom mushrooms to grow.
Keeping the Area Dry
After usage, you should ensure that the area is kept dry to keep it away from moisture buildup. You can use equipment to speed up the drying process. But it is an essential keepsake.
Remove Anything that is Affected by It
You should remove all that is contaminated by the bathroom mushrooms. Molds have the quality of deep penetration; to avoid further growth, removing and replacing stuff is well advised.
Consulting Experts
Last but not least, you can consult for professional help. If it is not an easy job for you, you can always call in for experts. They can not just remove them but also suggest solutions and prevention measures.
Regular Inspections
Once your bathroom has contracted the infection, it is always better to check for the symptoms regularly after the clean-up. This would help you identify any problem at an earlier stage and can be solved soon.
You must focus more on its prevention after immediate cure because bathroom mushrooms aren’t that great to have. You need to be well-thought with all the information about bathroom mushrooms, their causes, eradication methods, prevention measures, and also identification. Bathroom mushrooms pose a high risk to the well-being of humans and the space.
Frequently Asked Questions And Answers
Why do bathroom mushrooms usually grow?
Bathroom mushrooms are caused due to mainly three main reasons: excessive moisture and humidity, dim lighting and dark surroundings, warmth of the space, and poor ventilation.
Are the bathroom mushrooms dangerous?
Most of the bathroom mushrooms are toxic and lead to several risks to humans and their surroundings.
What to do if you find mushrooms in your bathroom?
Immediate action is required if you find mushrooms growing in your bathroom, and along with that, prevention and cure have to also be done.
How can you prevent bathroom mushrooms from growing in the future?
Eradicating all their growth causes is the only way to prevent it. The bathroom should be well-ventilated, kept dry for any water leakage, and regularly inspected and cleaned.
Are there any natural remedies for removing bathroom mushrooms?
There are some natural ways to eradicate bathroom mushrooms like vinegar or baking soda applied to the area and scrubbing it.
Can bathroom mushrooms lead to damage?
Over time, bathroom mushrooms can lead to structural damage, deteriorating the condition of your bathroom.